Sunday, 22 February 2009

25 March 2009: Barack Obama's Presidency

We invite you to our next talk

Open Forum: Barack Obama's Presidency
On what he actually can

25 March
6 to 8 pm
Old Broadcasting House
Woodhouse Lane
There is disabled access.

On the eve of the new American president's first official visit to the UK, Taking Soundings Leeds will assess the potential of Barack Obama to deliver on his progressive agenda.

This meeting is intended to provide space to a broad discussion among all participants. Two speakers will give short presentations.
Barry Winter will introduce the debate reflecting the 'special relationship'.
Sobel will discuss the potentials of the Obama presidency. Alex was working in the Obama Campaign last autumn.

Crisis of Capitalism or Bad Day(s) at the Office

On 14 Feburary Taking Soundings Leeds hosted its second event in 2009 reflecting the current global economic crisis. Over 70 people attended.
Our speakers were
Sarah Bracking from Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester, Peter Lawrence from the University of Keele and Alfredo Saad-Filho, Professor of Political Economy at SOAS.

Sarah Bracking provided a printed version of her presentation that can be downloaded here: